Image of Cambridge international as and a level : pure mathematics 2 and 3

Student Reference

Cambridge international as and a level : pure mathematics 2 and 3

This brand new series has been written for the University of Cambridge International Examinations course for AS and A Level Mathematics (9709). This title covers the requirements of P2 and P3. The authors are experienced examiners and teachers who have written extensively at this level, so have ensured all mathematical concepts are explained using language and terminology that is appropriate for students across the world. Students are provded with clear and detailed worked examples and questions from Cambridge International past papers, so they have the opportunity for plenty of essential exam practice. Each book contains a free CD-ROM which features the unique 'Personal Tutor' and 'Test Yourself' digital resources that will help students revise and reinforce concepts away from the classroom: - With Personal Tutor each student has access to audio-visual, step-by-step support through exam-style questions - The Test Yourself interactive multiple choice questions identify weaknesses and point students in the right direction.


ITBRC53221SR 510 GOL cStudent Reference (SL)Available
ITBRC53222SR 510 GOL cStudent Reference (SL)Available

Detail Information

Series Title
Call Number
SR 510 GOL c
Collection Type
Student Reference
Publisher Hodder Education : London.,
viii, 343p.: ill. col.; 19x24.5cm+ 1 computer disc
SR 510
Specific Detail Info
Donated by Elisabeth Nikijuluw

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