Record Detail
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Compact Disc
The Diary of Anne Frank [DVD]
The Diary of Anne Frank is a modern literary classic and an extraordinary social document that gives a unique account of life in hiding under the Nazi terror in World War II from the perspective of a teenage Jewish girl. Full of tension but at times funny and ultimately tragic, Anne Frank's diary manages to create a truthful and timeless picture of domestic life, while never letting us forget the extraordinary threat that awaits Anne and her family if they are discovered.
ITBRC22822 | AV F DIA | Audiovisual Collection (AV F DIA) | Available |
Detail Information
Series Title |
Call Number |
Collection Type |
Compact Disc
Publisher | Darlowsmithson Production : India., 2009 |
Collation |
app. 145 mins
Language |
Classification |
Edition |
Subject(s) | |
Specific Detail Info |
145 min approx
Other version/related
No other version available